Solid Consumer Understanding Builds
Competitive Advantage

Fem Marketing Asia helps find the true value desired by
consumers and markets via. qualitative research.

Best Marketing Research in ASIA

research image

Quantitative research such as questionnaires is good at quantifying obtained result or information. But it cannot answer the question - "Why they chose that particular answer?"
It is said that more than 90% of human behaviors are taken unconsciously.
Quantitative research has its limitations in getting detailed information on factors that actually affect people's behaviors and their way of thinking.
We help you, via. qualitative research, deeply understand target respondents and explore optimum consumer insight (concealed true feelings and unconsciousness from consumer's point of view) which quantitative research alone can not discover.

Consumer Market Research

Exploring the insights

In-depth Interview

1on1 interview

By a professional interviewer interviewing one respondent face-to-face, in-depth interview makes it possible to grasp deep reality of "why" questions the respondent herself/himself is not aware of, which is oftentimes "unexpected new discovery".

Focus Group Interview


Through a group interview with a number of respondents in the form of round table talk, it explores "reason why" and "deep psyche" behind respondents' perception and behavior, leveraging group dynamics.

Home Use Test


Have people use test products (such as new products) in their real daily life, and get their feedback on them via. questionnaires, etc.


Behavioral Observation

Observe consumer's actual life scene, grasp consumer's needs manifestation and actual purchase behavior, and dig deep into the question of "Why so?"

In-home Visit


Observe closely when and how the product concerned is actually used through researchers physically being the respondent's life scene related to the research theme.

Shop Along

In-store Shopping Behavior Observation

Observe respondent's shopping in a real store and explore the real state of their perception/mind and behavior with regard to their shopping behavior and path to purchase.

Online Research

Questionnaires, MROCs, Interviews

Online Questionnaires, Group Interviews and 1on1 Interviews.

  • Research Execution at a Global Standard

    Research Execution at a Global Standard

    A wealth of research know-how we have been accumulating for many years by conducting in Japan more than 300 researches per year for multinational corporations can also be leveraged to the researches in ASEAN countries.

  • Specializing in Qualitative Research

    In current era with diversifying, individualizing consumer needs, the importance of qualitative research that can discover new market trends or find a hypothesis on the research theme on which it is difficult to do so is significantly increasing. We are one of the few companies in Japan that have been providing for many years only qualitative researches dedicated to consumers.

    Specializing in Qualitative Research
  • Specializing in Qualitative Research

    Specializing in Qualitative Research

    In current era with diversifying, individualizing consumer needs, the importance of qualitative research that can discover new market trends or find a hypothesis on the research theme on which it is difficult to do so is significantly increasing. We are one of the few companies in Japan that have been providing for many years only qualitative researches dedicated to consumers.

  • Maintaining the quality in Southeast Asia

    Maintaining the quality in Southeast Asia

    Decline in service quality is often found in Southeast Asia, mainly due to language barrier causing misunderstanding of wording and/or miscommunication with local research staff, etc. Fem Marketing Asia dispatches its own research coordinators to Southeast Asian countries and directly controls the whole research process to ensure the same research quality as the ones conducted in Japan.

Why not work on such issues as…?

  • Explore new product ideas and/or new market by understanding local people's lives and sensibility and fully grasping their needs

  • Develop a concept on a new brand/product for the target country and give shape to its specifications

  • Decide on the price and/or design that will be accepted by the market and at the same time win the competition

  • Look for the most suitable local distribution channel and/or sales method for a new product

  • Come up with the media mix in the target country suitable for a new brand/product

  • Look into the reason for dropped sales and revive the product

Research Examples

Case Study

  • Ethnography

    Manila, Philippines | US FMCG manufacturer

  • Shop Along

    Bangkok, Thailand | US FMCG manufacturer

  • Home Visit

    Jakarta, Indonesia | Japanese Food manufacturer

  • グローバル・スタンダードでの実施

    In-depth Interview

    Tokyo, Japan | Japanese Publisher

"No fee whatsoever is required for panelist registration.
Please be assured that no selling of products is involved in any of our researches."