We are now recruiting people who would contribute to product development via.
interview participation, test usage of products, online questionnaire and telephone interview, etc.
for the purpose of improving services and products in development stage.

Register now

What does a panelist do?

  • Interview

    We ask your opinions directly in our facility about products you normally use. You will be participating in individual or group interviews, etc.

  • Questionnaire

    You give response to questionnaires online or over the phone.

  • Home Use Test

    You will be asked to use newly launched products or prototypes in a real-life situation and provide your feedback on their usage feel, etc.

  • Salon Test

    You will be invited to come to our designated salon and actually experience various treatments.

You are great for panelist if you.

  • Want to join product
    making from a
    consumer’s point of view.

  • Want to be the first to
    try newly launched

  • Are very interested in
    beauty products such as
    cosmetics and hair care.

  • Like to talk with people
    or express your opinions.

Flow from panelist registration to research participation.

  • Registration

    You can register at any time. It is free.

  • Information

    We inform the detail of research by phone, email or message.

  • Participation

    We may ask you a few questions, if you wish to participate.Requirements for participation vary depending on research theme. We only invite those who meet the requirements to actually participate.

  • Compensation

    You will receive panelist incentive compensation for your participation.

Register now

What is your benefit?

Register now
  • A fun social contribution!

    You may see the products and packages in stores at a later date, which you chose during research.

  • Sample trial!

    You may use a product sample or try a new product that is not publicly available yet.

  • A new discovery!

    You may be able to get valuable life hacks and product usage tips. Also, you may be able to make new friends?

  • You can get compensation!

    If you participate in any of the studies, you will receive compensation. (The amount and compensation vary depends on the type of research and the duration.)

Please be assured that no selling of products are involved in any of our researches.

Fem Marketing Asia is responsible for the panel management. Please be assured that no selling of products are involved in any of our researches.